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dir Brian Toh


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I wish you stayed!
I wish I stayed too, now I wish I stayed,
I wished I'd done a lot of things.

A Screendance film exploring the way in which we tell stories through movement; “iwishyoustayed.” reflects on the complexities of power relations in intimacy. Instead of seeking excuses for violence, the film and its makers wish to understand and display a male perspective (and more extensively that on more diverse gender dynamics) in abusive relationships.

words from the filmmaker

The choreography was constructed based on pedestrian movements and is deliberately made to not feel like a dance. It experiments with the limits of telling subtle, intricate feelings, by borrowing from filmmaker concepts of blocking and performance for "the camera".

why we love this film

Emotive and raw, with super sharp and creative transitions between scenes.






1st Asst. Director 

1st Asst Camera / Gaffer 


Art Director 

Props & Arts Asst. 

Hair, Makeup & Wardrobe 

Production Assistant & Driver 

Production Assistant 

A Cowsomething Production, 

Brian Toh

Renee Ong 

Jastine Tan

Jay Goh 

Nur Arianty

Jastine Tan

Zoey Lee

Eugene Voo

Mohd Taufiq

Lizzie Quek

Isabella Yuki


Rendy Yau

Isaac Chia

made for Lion City Dance Film Festival

meet the filmmaker

a podcast

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Check out more "On Composition" on SoundCloud!


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