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by Nevena Nikolova


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Beyond the concepts of monstrous and divine, a reverse creation is explored.

words from the filmmaker

Creature is first born in my dream that haunted me for while until I started to think about shooting a short screen dance exploring and developing the concept. We based our piece on the principle of the Collective Body by erasing the borders between the three dancers and using them as „primary matter“ for the creation of an imaginary living organism. In fact, the whole process was about the discovery of CREATURE that turned out to be very primal and pre-rational, free of cognitive processes and complex intentions. Un impulsive, fluid, living thing, following its natural predispositions through simple, minimalistic but precise movements.

why we love this film

Excellent display of progressive and conscious minimal movement exploration. Very tastefully designed.





Original score / Sound design


Light design

Costume design


Nevena Nikolova

Petar Gerzilov

Marion Darova

Viktoria Sirakova

Izabel Mitkova

Ksenia Bakalova

Alexander Evtimov - Shamancheto

Veselin Menkadjiev

Petar Gerzilov

Raya Karpacheva

Miglena Marinova

meet the filmmaker

a podcast

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Check out more "On Composition" on SoundCloud!


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