dir Emelie Boman

In this dark thriller a new genre is emerging where horror meets dance film, interlaced and exciting, in way that you probably never have seen before. When Lova doesn’t come back from her bicycle ride her mother goes out looking for her. What she finds in the dark forest is far from what she could ever imagine. The search for her daughter quickly turns into a nightmare.
words from the filmmaker
In this movie I wanted to explore and experiment with the way choreography could be used and interlaced in a narrative short movie. I wanted the movements to have a purpose in the way that they would play a role in bringing the story forward. My aim was to have the choreography to feel genuine and like a natural part of the story. Therefore, to be able to focus on that, we chose to start with a quite simple story. I was inspired by different ritual movements from all over the world when creating the demons dance. I created symbols with the hands that I wanted to express a certain power and force coming from the demons. I think the hand movements add a little extra tension and are details that fit the film medium perfect. There is also something very unpleasant when you can’t see a person's face. Why I chose thriller as genre is just because I find it very thrilling and got excited by the challenge to create something scary with dance as the main expression.
why we love this film
An extraordinary genre hybrid. A thriller narrative meets dance filmmaking. This is what pushing the boundaries of dance cinema looks like, and we are here for it!
Sound recordist
Sound designer
Graphic Design
Executive producers
YOUDANCE in co-production with
With support from
In cooperation with
Children outside the window
Thank you
Sound Sample Credits
Emelie Boman @bomanemelie
Julius Aspman
Minna Lindahl
Ida Boman
Emelie Boman and Julius Aspman
Viktor Lindholm
Sven Jonsson
Julius Aspman
Emilie Thelander
Ida Boman
Emelie Boman
Lill Casslind and Mattias Ehrenberg
Film i Västerbotten and Film i Dalarna
Balettakademien Umeå
Ingrid Sandström
Alessia Nylund
Agneta Jemth
Sandra Ingberg
Lisa Brännström
Jenny Sjöberg
Sari Åkerdahl
Lena Sahlén
David Schäfer
Maria Jonsson
Ruth Schäfer and Emilia Egan Sjölander
All contributors
Martin Nordin
Amanda Fast
Markus Ingberg
Trädgård Väst
Ormvråk recorded by Lars Edenius